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Black and White Combination Printing Workshop
Within this two day workshop the notion of ‘the page as site’ will be teased apart and examined, and you will work collaboratively in curation exercises to question the relationship between photographs and the spaces they inhabit. The workshop will see the merging of two photographic techniques: combination printing (the process of combining two or more negatives in conjunction with one another to create a single image), and large-scale black and white hand developing. By the end of the workshop, you will work together to select, curate and realise the creation of a co-authored large-scale photographic print.
Participants should bring their own 35mm black and white negatives to print from, all other materials and facilities will be provided. The workshop is limited to 8 participants to ensure there is enough time for individual guidance and a productive group dynamic.
Learner Level: Intermediate - Experienced
Intermediate - You have ample experience working in a Black and White Darkroom, can develop a roll of film (35mm, 120mm, 5x4”) and hand print photographs (on resin coated or fibre based paper) without guidance.
Experienced: You are confident and capable of working independently (unaided) in the black and white darkroom. You have copious experience developing film (35mm, 120mm, 4x5”) in both traditional and alternative ways, alongside a mastery of printing photographs (on both fibre based and resin coated paper) at a range of scales from 8x10 to 50x60”.
Facilitators: Victoria Doyle & Alexander Mourant
Price: £150 (2 day workshop)
Dates: 27th & 28th October 2023
Timings: 10am to 4pm
Address: Graveney School, Welham Road, SW17 9BU, London